Friday 22 April 2011

Potatoes, Corruption and God

Potatoes, Corruption and God 
It was a January morning about 5.30 and still it was dark. A pleasant chillness was in the air. Both of us liked the weather very much. We were in a municipal Market. We went to the shop where we regularly buy vegetables. The owner has almost become a friend of us in the past 5 years.
"How many Kilos Madam?”
"Just two ….  Kilos of potatoes. What is the rate?"
"Today it is ...Eighteen"
My wife sighed and asked "Why? Yesterday it was only fifteen".
He looked here and there. Then he told “I can tell you. The Officers are new. We are all asked to give three more rupees per kilo to them from this day onwards”. Then he whispered “This is bribe money.. Madam".
"Give it from your profit".
"Madam ...Corruption is everywhere. It is like God who is all pervasive. Both are present in the air, water and sand too. Look at that chemical factory and the smoke. The company has given something to the Officers and politicians who have shut their eyes. The price of their product includes this cost: corruption money. You are taking all the vegetables from those fields where its pesticides and manures are used. The farmer pays his price for chemicals including the bribe. Then  we…the traders buy the whole thing from them. We add our part of bribe to price. Lastly YOU take up the whole burden. No one gives up his profit. Can you show me at least one person?”
She replied smilingly “The person is in front of me”
He smiled her smart reply  “Sure ... Seventeen rupees. It is because you both are my friends.”
We returned in silence and anger.
I asked “Have you seen NDTV? We should support Anna Hazare in his crusade against corruption.”
“Yes. We must support him”
I again stressed “All of us have to support him”. We returned in silence and anger. We looked at the sky. There was some light of dawn on the east.



When to use ‘should’, ‘must’, and ‘have to’?

We generally interchange all these words. They seem to have same meaning.
Just have a look at the examples in the story:

‘Should support’, ‘must support’ and ‘have to support’.

In fact in the given context all are correct.
We use ‘should’ when we feel something is good. Yes, it is good to support Anna Hazare because he fights against corruption.

We use ‘must’ when we feel something is necessary.
Yes, we must support Anna. It is very much necessary because his cause is related to everybody.

Then why do we use have to?
Let us assume you are planning to go out on your motor bike. Immediately your father shouts “You have to wear helmet”.
It is law. It is obligation. It is impersonal. You do not have any other option. So naturally ‘have to’ is the best choice when it is obligation.
When you are sick, you have to take medicines. ( No other option)
‘Have to’ is used for insisting impersonal contexts like law etc.
 It can be used on all occasions when ever you want to emphasize something including in personal contexts. We can replace must or should  with 'have to'.

 But remember ‘must’ has to be used when something is necessary.
 Example: “You must get some vegetables, otherwise be ready to eat the bread without any side dishes."

Use ‘should’ when you feel something is good.
Example: One should see ‘Three Idiots”. It is a good film. 


  1. dad try to think in english. Don't translate your thought process into english. The Story is hard hitting, the way it is presented is not.

    Grammar part is good. Nice, simple and clear to the point.

  2. Explaining grammar with story is good

  3. Good. You could also include ' would' ;you have to include ' would' ' ; you must include ' would'

  4. Really this blog is quiet good sir!
